Saturday, March 16, 2019

Roo has another injury ;(

B was home after 2 and took Cooper to her bed. Sunny start to another day awake before 8. B let Cooper and Lola out soon after then headed back to bed.  I made a cappuccino and got some marketing underway then off to work on the sofa table. I went with white stain oil and loved it!! It looks very aged zinc I think.

The end tables were given an ebony stain oil after touch ups were dry.

B was up finally at noon eventually heading out to give Roo her meds, and a brush and let them out with the herd. They were stoked!!

Seeing the fridge was near bare, B offered to take me for a coupon I had from her for lunch at Roadhouse. I jumped in the shower quick and we were off after 2. Lunch was great then we headed to Peavy Mart as they had a winter sale on and B scored the last pair of XS Carhartt insulated coveralls. Next we stopped at Walmart for some groceries and such then to Tim's for another coupon use. Ice Coffee for the ride home. We got the mail and detoured on an acreage for sale tour getting back around 5.

why is one ice free and darker? no idea so we mixed once home and they were then both good.

B ventured out to give Roo evening meds around 6:30 and had concerns about her eye. She came back and got some warm water and cloths and she and I took the ranger back to wash her face up. The halter and mask had worn off loads of hair and caused sores poor girl. B also spied she had capped her hock probably from a kick or kicking something. back to the house I went for more banamine. Once we got back tot he house, Dr Jordan suggested a poultice should be applied to the leg so B took the ranger back and applied it with fingers crossed it goes down and is not a life time blemish. This poor girl is having quite the month.

look at her poor hair loss

and her swollen back left hock

The dogs were super stinky and dirty so B gave them both a scrub. she also trimmed Lola’s nails, thanks B!! I was the hose girl while she worked the soap in. Back inside, I worked on the blog posts while B worked on filling out her financial portfolio for Craig. We ate a late supper at 10, a bologna sandwich :) then each went off to bed to watch Netflix for a bit.

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