Thursday, November 15, 2018

we have a few Xmas lights

Time to get packed up and lists checked. Out of office alerts, snacks packed, and so on. After lunch I ended up doing accounting for a couple hours to catch up and set bills to be paid while away. After lunch S clipped up the Xmas light on the fence then rolled out a bale for the horses. I posted the kids set for sale, perhaps timing might be off on that lol
when you travel do you fill small containers, buy actual travel size or take large size?

We ran to town around 4 to pick up a free dresser and nightstand then stopped at Rona to use some great coupons S got, 3 $10 off. We picked up a new fancy snow shovel for the upcoming snow fall to come and 2 big clamps then back home to unload furniture and park the trailer. Today was lovely at 11 degrees.

S was back in big brown for a heavy pre supper nap while I found my email had issues. After over an hour and a call from Microsoft it seems the issues is happening to many but I changed all passwords again anyway. We cooked up a scrumptious taco supper and S was off to the hockey game in the other big brown and I worked on blogs. The grey jewelry box went live. I added personalization options to many of my Etsy listings, have you stopped by and favorited a few yet? ;)

rest of the decorations will wait for December 

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