Saturday, November 17, 2018

and we are off

Today is vacation day. I awoke to an email asking if my chocolate nightstand was still for sale, yes it is. The lady arranged to stop by 11:30 and actually made it by 11. We enjoyed a last Canadian coffee and got a few last things finished up including locking up the horses seeing the snow was still all over. once the nightstand was loaded up and they were off so were we.

We made a loop thru town for gas and a tea and headed west but we arrived early in the city with over 3 hours till we flew so we stopped for lunch before heading to the airport. Even stopping for lunch we still arrived early and were at our gate (fast after using my new Nexus card) with 2 hours to spare. Time for a cold brew before making the flight to Vancouver.

It is crazy how in just one hour we go from snow to green grass. Our stop in Vancouver was fast, even faster going thru USA immigrant ion with my new nexus card, crazy how long the line was we got to skip. On the way here I watched Life of the Party but didn’t finish it but managed to on the next flight to Kona. I also watched Wonder and almost finished Rampage. Sheldon watched quite a few Lethal Weapon episodes

We landed in Kona early before 10:30 pm local time. The bags were off quick and the shuttle to the rental car fast too but once we got to Avis it was a wait and then even longer as they did NOT have our pre paid Jeep ready to go. We were the last people to leave just before 11:30. We made it to our condo in about 20 minutes, snuggled with getting in (looking at wrong code) but once in we headed out quick to buy some refreshments. Kona was like a ghost town with only a few folks in a couple bars on the main drag and once we found a gas station with beer we found that it was midnight and beer was not allowed to be sold after 11. Back to the condo to call it a night.

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