Friday, November 9, 2018

jewelry box day

SO last night I posted the bread box as available and awoke this am to 4 enquiries and it sold!! Yeah, guess that is a popular look. I think I also sold the other unpainted one I have exactly like it to the next in line lady too. Time to get busy on the grey jewelry box, it still looks blah so I added black wax and white dry brushing.

Two jewelry boxes were touched up and hemp oiled in their original state and one below added to my Etsy store for sale. 

not sure if I want to paint, will try it as is first

below was inquired about by a customer that in the end passed hoping to get it for $20 ;(

The day started dreary but the sun popped thru before lunch. Along with the sun and rising temps (hitting plus 8) came the chinook winds. I checked the cat food and gave Hawk his meds before I made a quick trip to town for a few groceries then stop at Sharon's to get some grey paper for the jewelry box and help her with her marketing. Over 2 hours later I headed for home just before 6.

looks like an itchy bum snapped another post ;(

I posted the bread box blog and finished writing one for the white end table that I will put live tomorrow. Looks I will be painting another bread box tomorrow as it was a confirmed sale too.
A soak in the tub while eating my Caesar salad supper and watching Lethal Weapon was followed by more blog writing as well as another hometalk post then YouTube and eventually podcasts.

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