Saturday, November 24, 2018

Condo Day

Saturday already, hard to believe it has been a week since we started our trip here. I was awake really early again (7) so made the coffee and tidied up waiting for the prince to join me. It was a lazy start to the day, I made another toasted crossaint with avocado. It looks like we can use some groceries so our venture today was to the closest market (just a very short hop to the south) then the downtown one. The prices are varied so if you are shopping wander thru them all before buying.

they grow them big here,

Needing more perishable we ventured to Safeway but man the prices are $$$$ with a pineapple beating about $8+ where as the markets were $4-6 albeit smaller but Costco was $2.99. We stopped at Walmart and grabbed what we needed with prices a bit less there but not much. This island is pricey for food and gas however buying a small tub of ice cream at walmart was same price as a waffle cone on the road trip.

Seeing we had frozen foods we headed back to the condo immediately. It was now 2 pm and time to cook a late lunch. We had taken out steak and lobster but the steak was still froze solid so I tossed in the fish and tater tots while S went for a swim. It was once again the usual 30 degree heat. After eating S was off to lay under a tree and I kicked back catching a few more Pit Bulls and Parolees which has ran a marathon all day (we watched a few this am before leaving)

testing out the Henry's soda, not bad

Since we ate mid afternoon, we skipped supper and tested the ice cream while watching some more PB&P. It was a pretty chill relaxing day.

S took this beauty on his phone

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