Tuesday, November 6, 2018

city full of snow

The cold snap is here as they predicted. I did not start with coffee today but rather a smoothie. I am trying to make healthier choices. I even had left over roasted veggies at bedtime last night (then some hickory sticks as dessert LOL) I did have a couple cappuccinos while I painted a bread box 2 coats of white after scrubbing up.

Looking out at the horses I saw a coyote along the south fence line, sure enough the snoopy horses followed it along the fence very curiously.

do you see it, they are looking it at

Snow started just after 11 but light in texture and amount. Before heading off to the city for my dental appointment I trudged out and gave Hawk his meds. The light snow fall increased as I got closer to the city and was in full force for the day while in there.

I did stop at Value Village for a few minutes before getting to my 2:20 appointment. They got me fixed up in no time and back on my way. Time to stop at 2 of my other favorite thrift haunts with lots of donations made to the causes.

 Seeing I missed lunch I grabbed an early supper for the ride home. HUGE flakes were falling now and glenmore looked backed up for miles. 

 I took a detour that ended up having 100 others with the same idea but it gave me time to eat my burger and fries.

Of course the snow let back up as I got closer to home arriving at 5:30 safe and sound. I unpacked all my treasures and updated my spreadsheet. I started a new series on Netflix recommended by B called Lethal Weapon. It was good, I watched 3 episodes.

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