Thursday, August 9, 2018

new farm ride

Seeing today is going to be even hotter yet, prince and I had a coffee and were out unloading the last of furniture/ frames into garage and the storage trailer. He unhooked the horse trailer and hooked up the dump trailer while I refilled the wood chips in the horse trailer. By 10:30 he was off on a days adventures. His first stop was to meet a lady for tickets to tomorrows Jukebox Hero at the jubilee then onto Cochrane to look for a new farm ride. He sent photos of options before heading to mull it over for lunch.

frames & linens for drop cloths and project covers

I got to work catching up on more neglected chores as well as heading out to fill the dog pool, trim and water my planters and turn flower bed soakers on. Cooper was so excited with the cool water spraying in the pool. I upped Hawk's pill dosage to 1/2 tab and added some dandelion root and thuja supplements which are good for immunity.

Sorting, measuring and cataloguing my 18 frames and 21 pieces of furniture picked up yesterday took quite a chunk of time. The photos were also tweaked and watermarked. Posting a couple of my new items had interest as well as the little table I put on sale has a line up. One being a gal from California. She was even ok with the $125 shipping.

Next I started on a custom growth ruler ordered and paid for a few weeks ago. I did have her on hold while we had company and S off. While sanding the board I remembered a lady had messaged me from Cochrane offering an antique gate leg table so touched base with her to see if home. Sure enough she was so S zipped over there and loaded it up in the dump trailer then was off to pick the side by side. Eventually he picked the Ranger 1000 is a pewter gold color (metallic suede) we both liked.

I created the custom purple color for the growth ruler having had my parcel of paint delivered a couple weeks back. She wanted it like a stain and being now 34 and the paint drying to fast, hauled it to the island.

Prince rolled in at 5:30 having picked up the blizzards we had no room for yesterday. Perfect treat on a 34 degree day. Big brown then called him while I prepped supper and worked on more marketing. I brought Lola in to cool down while I made supper. B was home at the usual 7 and we all enjoyed supper together before heading out to give the new ranger a test drive. I even loaded up Lola in the tilt box on my turn.

S and I unloaded the table then he worked on unhooking trailer, moving equipment and parking the ranger in the barn, perfect fit. B tossed a flake of hay for each then retreated to her room passing on riding in these overly hot days. I continued plugging away at catching up on the blog ;) We then watched Blood Father, with Mel Gibson, it was good.

 the girls had the day off and went to the river but it seems K took a tumble down a hill on route ;(
I <3 this picture S took

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