Friday, August 3, 2018

First rodeo day

Coffee was grinding at the usual 8:30. Blair and Sheldon were off to town just after 9:30 for a rodeo meeting and work to do. I checked the rain and we had another 2 1/2/10th of rain last night. After breakfast and a visit Grama and Papa headed home after 11 and Mom about an hour later after loading the coffee table she is kindly taking back and Slim.

Papa has some "funny" money ;)

A quick pill delivery to hawk and garden check revealed I had a zucchini!! Wahoo. I watered quick In hopes of more growing. The fellows arrived for a quick bite of lunch before we loaded up and headed in for the rodeo. It was a lovely sunny day with us being lucky enough to sit for most of it in the shaded bleachers.

the little girl Roman riding is a local girl 7 years old named Piper, sorry my cell takes grainy photos when zooming in but those are fire jumps they are going over

After the rodeo we showed Blair and Helen around the grounds and trade show before stopping to shop at Lammle’s and dropping Criag’s pass off quick on route home. The 3 had naps while I worked on the blogs.  B caught the tail end of supper then she went out to ride in the gorgeous evening. Everyone headed to bed pretty early for a Friday night by 10.

Forgot to share photos Sheldon took of the hoof armor being applied the other day to Pepper, the thin epoxy goes on quick then set with talcum powder and in minutes it hardens to provide the protective coating. I think it really helped Pepper who is always tender on rocks on the river ride

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