Tuesday, August 7, 2018

more equine dentistry

We managed to have a later start today, Britt slept even later. S and I had boring chores to catch up on, him running to town to pickup and return the scaffolding at rodeo grounds and drop off and pick up parcels while I went out in the already hot morning to trim back plants and weed. B and Dave were off to town for brunch and when back found Roo rolling again. I headed out and brought her in as Dave dropped B off, she took over and hosed and walked her and made sure all was good then locked her KD and Daisy in the fat camp paddocks again.

When back from town, S and I ate lunch before he went out to load the last bales to deliver after a rest in big brown. B ran to town quick then chilled in her room while I did various chores. Sharon arrived with Shiloh before 4 and Jackson the equine dentist was not far behind. Sheldon pulled in from his bale delivery at the same time, unhooked the dump trailer, holed up the horse trailer and headed inside for a nap in the cool A/C as 30 degrees made for a hot day. B had caught Daisy who was the first up and did great with no sedation and the hand tools.

Shiloh was next and when finished Sharon headed back home. Britt caught Bird next and just as he suspected only had her points smoothed and required balancing with the hand tools as well.

I found this bison jaw behind my planter yesterday in Lola's secret hiding spot so showed it to Jackson

 Finished up at 7 he was off and we came in. S had goulash made for supper but B was off to meet Dave for fresh Nova Scotia lobster... what! S and I watched The Mountain Between Us, not bad show.

forgot to share these photos Sheldon took the day Lola got her fancy spa day ;)

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