Monday, August 27, 2018

3/10ths more so 1/2" in couple days

Rain had started last night at 11 and was again misty and drizzly when we woke up. Cooper was not fond of the morning chill at 7. S spent the morning perusing the internet while I worked on writing more how to blogs posts yet to be published. I did brave the windy cool morning to drive the merc to the gate and let the horses out to graze, brrrr. Checking the rain gauge we got 3/10ths!!

I snapped a few pictures of the pepper grinder to post

Leftover lunch and a nap and prince was off to the city at 1:30 to make his way north. I threw on a pot of bison soup bones then headed to the garage to get this weeks projects on the go.

After getting the first coat of primer on the reddish one I came in to let Cooper in and do some quick accounting seeing it is bill payment time of the month. By 4:30 the sun peeked thru and after the last month of smoky haze and the wind this is most welcome.


Daisy has been laying down lots so I took the quad out and caught her, gave Hawk his tablet and led her back to the house. Hawk followed her into the south paddocks but I took him back and exchanged him for Roo who is very chubby on this all inclusive meal plan. I then herded the rest into the winter pasture to go get water and take a break in the sunshine.

I finished my soup and eventually ate as B called to say she stopped to sign the rental papers for the place they looked at (moving in Friday!) and was off to help Dave pack more stuff for his Lacombe move.

finally got a chance to see the moon with no smoke

Sadly it is dark before 9 now. I was back in the garage starting the white paint coats on the wee cabinets after putting a black milk paint on the frame then blue after working on the white. I got Lola in and was coming inside before 11 when Britt and Dave rolled in for a bowl of soup.

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