Saturday, April 7, 2018

more snow?

They are forecasting a big dump of snow to roll in later today and overnight, hmm. I worked on the pink frames white waxing one and aging waxing another while waiting for the family to pick up their dresser. This was the dresser sold in an hour or so and paid for soon after. They drove from Edmonton yesterday and stayed overnight at the Days Inn so their kids could play on the waterslide and break up the trip. They came earlier around 10:30 to load up to beat the weather and head back the 4 hour drive. I think that is my furthest pick up, thanks Noelle.

Not long after the sister of the customer stopped to pick up the chair she did not get last w/e for her sister in northern Saskatchewan.

S helped me recreate the dated oak bench I was given. We cut off the heart tops then he routered the edge to match the rest. We also cut 2 boards for projects.

Britt and Cooper arrived at 12:30, Cooper was off playing with Lola while B hit her bed for a nap after a "hard" night. Today was Coopers last dog class and he passed, his mom bought him a new toy to celebrate!

I got busy disassembling the hutch, it is in far worse shape then I first saw. It is so dirty and sticky and grimy but I got at it. The stain glass windows came out and the backing off, the old light system & broken hardware removed, and then a deep scrub and hosing.

While in scrub mode, I also did the old window frame that came with the bench too. I added chicken wire & dark wax to the vintage pink frame too (L) and sanded the oak one.

The sun oddly popped out for awhile then went away as S dressed up and did a few loops on his gopher run with the skidoo. The snow started to lightly come down around 4. After supper was hockey night in TV room for S with his Flames playing their last game of the year. B and Cooper chilled in her room.

I finally put the large dresser blog post live for the furniture flippin contest and got it posted for sale on my FB page. While trying to get Lola in, I did some sanding and repairs on the hutch. But it seems she was busy on coyote patrol. I let Cooper out after Britt headed to town at 11 to watch movies. About 11:30 he wasn't back so I dressed up and went out looking for the two. I trudged thru the knee deep snow along the south fence line with the cats one on each rail right along with me as I could hear her barking in the SW corner. But then she was quiet and I heard her near the house. I had called the hockey room and had him prepared to head down the road when he said Cooper was at the house and miraculously he got him inside. I was warm but taking off my glove to phone was brrr as the snow kept falling. S did take a drive not hearing me say she was east of the house but after trying to get her to come in I went inside and we went to bed. I got up at 3:30 and checked and B had got her in once she was home at 3!

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