Wednesday, April 25, 2018

B turns 21 and baby Aislyn is born

Today is Britt's 21st birthday!! She is celebrating it on the beach in Mexico, not a bad way to celebrate this milestone. Hope you have a fantastic day B! XOXOX

I was up and headed off to my first "riding" lesson of the year by 9:30. Rain threatened and the wind blew ;( Actually the first one is all about ground manners and learning about the led class. Two hours went by in a blur with lots to remember to practice with Switch and share with B when she gets home.

It was now noon so I made my way home thru town, stopping to remove hardware off a fellows dresser he offered me, grabbing dog food and groceries, returning a library book then grabbing my free birthday booster juice.

yep he was tossing this hardware.. hmm

I was on my way home to meet the custom dining table and desk lady for her 1 pm pick up when I got a call from Amanda. Surprise she just had a baby girl.. a big 9 pound 9 oz baby Aislyn! HOLY COW, I asked for a heads up but she wanted a surprise and that it was. Mom called right after saying she was on her way out and had been in Strathmore waiting for the call too. She was right behind the customer and soon we had her all loaded up and on her way. I changed quick into not so horse smelling clothes and we were off to meet little miss Aislyn.

What a cutie, she is a chunky monkey but still tiny when you actually see her like all newborns. We enjoyed seeing the kids meet her and their reactions, so sweet. After 6 we said our goodbyes, stopped quick at the mall to pick up batteries for TJ then went for supper trying Phillipines food. It was really good.

The original plan of the day was to meet Grama and Papa for supper with Shaina after their appointment in the city, then all were staying overnight but the plans changed. Shaina did meet them and they continued on home to the hat. She met Mom and I at the ranch after 8 when we got home. I ran and tossed a bale to the horses then made tea for a visit and Mom's trip home. She too made the day trip to the city. She was off at 9 with Shaina heading back to town soon after to visit a friend.

I had my stencil giveaway end at 9 so did the draw for it and get it posted and answer a few more messages. I also got to FaceTime Britt and her friends as they sat around the pool. How fun is that feature! To get the dogs in finally around 10:30, I had to go out in the dark and pretend to work in the garden LOL bingo. As I took out my bun, my hair smelled like horse arena so a shower was in order before finally crawling into bed, whew what a busy day. Happy birthday again girlies!!

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