Friday, April 20, 2018

gopher decimation day

Suns out, B was off to work at 8. I was up double checking Coopers "rules" for the day and kept on marketing. Prince eventually joined the waking world and caught up on the news with a coffee and some cucumber eye patches LOL. I was off to the garage to sand the stools then seal with hemp oil.

He ventured out to blade the road in the dry areas and toss hay as he passed. He thought he would shoot gophers with the quad but the snow is too deep!

an early birthday gift was brought back from town ;)

Back in for a quick sandwich then he ran to town for more gas for the skidoo. The table base was dark waxed then I ventured out in the lovely sunshine (+11) to fill the salt/mineral tubs, crunching snow edges and rerouting water while he was shooting gophers via skidoo. He claims he got 3 in one shot and 2 in another and over 20 in total.

He mentioned at lunch he could skidoo across the "lake" so I challenged him to do so and here is how it went.

Back inside for a beverage, I published the chalkboard blog post and S caught up on internet and hockey. B got home to join us for supper then S was off to the TV room. She went out to doctor Bird's foot, do health checks on all the horses and tossed them a bale.

My Creative Moments Instagram account finally passed 1000 followers, wahoo. I spent the evening working on writing blog posts, I finished the dark green bench post while updating ads online.

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