Friday, February 23, 2018

warming up

Today is a sunny day but cold -17 to start. I was lollygagging checking fellow painters sites when I checked email only to find the dresser buyer had left Calgary 42 minutes earlier! Yikes get moving, dressed, main area tidied, the dresser moved to front door etc. She arrived not long after... in a small car. Yep this proved to take about an hour to try different ways to stuff it in finally going with removing drawers and wedging it in the trunk leaving part hanging out. I got cardboard and baler twine and we tied the trunk hatch down and off she went. Well to the gate and then was stuck. I said to stay right for the sensor but when S got there she was all the way to the left ;/ LOL

I published the stenciled growth ruler blog post and listed more items on varagesale - my new sales place ;) I have a buyer planning to come tomorrow for the newest black and grey coffee table and may have upsold the grey side table too. Fingers crossed.

I moved everything in my "store" area in the basement and vacuumed and reset it up, this lead to the entire basement getting vacuumed then pulling out the steamer to refresh some old dog pee areas. ;)


The custom dresser was picked up at 3:30 with the lady so happy with how it turned out .. yeah. It was up to -6 now, perfect weather to move the dresser home.

Seeing I had water left in the steamer I did our shower and sink drains too. S hmmd and hawed about the new replacement disposal I had sent around Christmas. Finally he took it out to put in only to find it was damaged. The damage was just to the outer plastic so he went ahead and installed it.

I put the blue dresser blog post live that I did last night. An email came in for a lady wanting to come look at the round coffee table tomorrow.. I sure hope she does ;)

Britt and the dogs arrived just after 8. They will stay with us while she is off at Grady's birthday celebration. S dropped her off around 9 in town bringing back teas ;) . I was working on blog when I found over 1200 subscribers.. what?? This is not legit as there actually is only 5 family/friends that subscribe so I worked on figuring out how to change this. In the end I changed the feed location for subscriptions so if you want to have this blog delivered to your email, please resubscribe.

I then got started on accounting. Reconciling Visa for last 5 month due to a missing statement in Oct. This took hours to enter and update and I was still at it at 1 am when B was ready to come home. S was still watching Olympics and doing things on the iPad so he ran and got her. I shut the accounting down at 2 but stayed up playing cookie jam till 4 as not tired ;( and they gave me 15 hours free men !

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