Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Furniture sales start ;)

I was up making coffee and doing my marketing. The dresser lady confirmed she indeed wanted it and after a few messages back and forth to confirm a hold and pickup she sent the full $ and will be out Friday to pick up. YES! Thank you Jesus.

I continued working on multiple CM blog posts then got busy staging the coffee table. Of course this required vacuuming dog hair from the staging carper hahahaha which led to taking couch all apart and vacuuming etc but eventually I got a few pictures. The background always reveals something that needs tidying so the process is long but does help on housework chores too ;)

S did a bit of online stuff before going to get the truck to head to town for diesel. The dresser however needed to be taken apart for pieces such as the new hardware and the cute feet and attachment hardware and the hardboard too. Although he usually complains about this part, prince did help me even though it was -16 but sunny out. He asked if I was Scottish when I rounded up all the tiny little nails and screws.. why yes I am ;) Waste not want not was always drilled into my head growing up and I see no reason to toss perfectly good things away when only part of the piece is damaged. The solid wood drawer sides will make great signs too.

from this to this

He was then off to town while I continued my cleaning, staging and tidying. He was back with a clean empty truck and lunch, thanks! He also brought diesel so after his after lunch relax he headed out to roll a bale out for the horses. Shaina arrived for her usual Wednesday training, boot camp and supper with the rents. We were visiting when a gal messaged wanting the bench and was out in 15 minutes to pick it up. This is fabulous as 2 sales in one day makes me very happy. Turns out she knew Shaina too.

check out the fancy new biz cards dude got.. feel free to share her info as she would like to build up clients

Shaina was off to train Sharon for 4 with S coming in soon after for his nap in the big comfy chair ;) Shaina was back for supper and visit before she headed to her boot camp class after 6. S watched more Olympics before the Flames game while I continued my marketing posting the coffee table now on all sites for sale and finishing up the blog post for it. I started a movie soaking in the tub and was almost finished when S came up to watch the womens hockey game overtime for gold. Wow that was so sad for them to lose after OT, a 5 player shoot out and finally 1 at a time.. but silver is ok too... or not ;(

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