Monday, February 26, 2018

another sale.. doing a happy dance

Uneventful day to start, prince relaxed before heading north. I worked on household chores; while changing sheets I found a new feather pillow seam opened so had to stuff down back in and hand stitch. Moving onto the duvet that had a few wear areas where down was escaping but not amble to be stitched. Thank goodness I have so much craft/sewing supplies I found exact color material and stitch witchery and using my new iron melted the holes closed!

A lady had messaged about the pink dresser yesterday but was talking over with husband so did not think much about it. Today another gal messaged offering lower and I said sorry already on sale but I would give her the same even lower price I gave the lady yesterday, she said she would think about it. again I carried on with my chores and accounting.

Sheldon was off just after 2 to make the journey north when a 3 lady messaged asking if I took offers. She offered the same price I gave both other ladies and I said sure. The 2nd lady then messaged she would like it and send $$ and pick up Friday. HOWEVER #3 came back in a bit saying papa has a $200/grand child limit at the same time lady #1 messaged to ask if still available... WHAT! This dresser sat for 3 months and power of intention always brings 3 at once. I told #1 that until I had a deposit or it out the door it was for sale... she sent the $$ right away and will pick up Saturday :)

I was then off to the garage where I started a big purge. The entire storage cabinet was taken out and cleaned and put back. The tool cabinet too. I found a few things I forgot I had ;) Lots got done but lots yet to do, time to come in shower and remake the bed now all the laundry was washed. AHHH such a great feeling to crawl into fresh sheets after a nice warm shower... and catch up on some Netflix.

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