Monday, February 5, 2018

Another jewelry box complete

No smoothie to start today but I did skip coffee and had my chai and toast! Today is Monday which means Prince is on his way home. I best get his vacation laundry folded ;) I did his and the last of mine during Ellen.. as well as clean up all the paint stuff in the kitchen. I had spent most of today finishing the jewelry box. All the narrow edges and inside needed painting then contemplation as to add a stencil. The vote was no from the polling girls so just added black wax. Then all the glass and mirrors get cleaned and reassembled but it needed something so I added a fun azure color to the drawer sides.


I made some coleslaw last week and have ate it for lunch everyday since, today I finished it!! No more coleslaw for a few days ;)

The sun shone bright all day and looked so much warmer then the freezing temps it actually was. It got up to -12 so I ventured out just after lunch to try an anti wood chewing remedy I read about; zest soap. I rubbed an entire bar all over the beavered wood. I am not sure how much it will detour them as they all had to check out what I was doing. They have in the past just chewed the center post but lately they all have been on a mission to eat the place down. I think boredom but could be the lack of their favourite minerals which I will make sure to pick up this weekend.

curious George checking out my soap application

The temperature dropped again and by the time I headed over to feed Bones at 4:30 it was back to -18, brrrr. I debated on supper eventually grilling a chicken breast in my cast iron pan while updating our Rocky Mountain polox Instagram page, do you follow us?  In the furnace room I finally got yesterdays blog finished and uploaded (do you see the new watermarks? the new program is finicky and takes much longer then old one but looks nicer?? no??) before PVR time to catch more How To Get Away with Murder. Sheldon did not make it home till after 11 having to dig his car out from under a pile of snow.

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