Thursday, November 2, 2017

Paint day for me ~ rest for Prince

Lola says it is snowy out

Today was a busy paint day for me, first I got the house tidied as the cleaner is booked for tomorrow as a treat. Once most was done,I got started on the jewelry boxes in my new color English rose - pink
This super pack was delivered yesterday with this fab new color in it.

The MCM dresser had a repair, more ultra grip before I got started on the large dresser. Milk paint in random layers then left to dry. Then it was back to 2nd coat of pink on the jewelry boxes. Sheldon took advantage of the snowy cold day to relax and catch up on his sleep. He did however head out and organize the barn area so he can put B's winter tires on this weekend.

While cooking an early supper I vacuumed, washed and reorganized all my kitchen drawers.I love a good organizing. Our supper was an epic fail, thank goodness for left overs and potato chips ;)

Vietnamese takeout a little to often?? I use for paint sticks though so all worth it!!

I went back out to paint while Sheldon lit a fire and waited for the Flames game to start. The big dresser got a fill coat of cream milk paint and the MCM was painted a coat of concealer to help need less coats of pink.

My house clean is rescheduled for tomorrow due to the winter storm, back to Wentworth before falling asleep. S had no problem sleeping since the Flames won in overtime!

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