Thursday, August 31, 2017

organizing my world

B was up and gone before 7 and I fell back asleep awaking with a start after 8. I was to text girls to be sure awake. I threw them on some coffee, Shaina was out the door for her 9 am shift and Kaylin left soon after for her 10 am in the city. Now to get myself going with a much lighter batch of coffee ;)

A neighbor gal stopped to pick up the 5 chunky chairs Mom had brought for another gal that never showed at 10. See Sheldon, I am trying to get the mez area organized ;) I have a customer stopping after lunch for the rustic bench so spent time tidying the main floor as well as staging a few pictures of the canisters and the kids table.

I had to write 2 more HomeTalk posts in order to get a feature so went with spray paint and the wood canisters. I did start a new project, turning a cabinet door into a tray, so drilled out plastic inserts, scrubbed and filled holes.

The bench was picked up with a short visit and offer of a few old things they are pulling out of a shed as well as 2 sets of Xmas post decor ordered, best get on that soon

Lexi - first word cute, 2nd... hair! I was vacuuming the main floor to corral her loose hair when Shaina got home from work around 5. She went straight to bed to nap. Britt was home before 7 as I was heating the barbecue. I had chopped up fresh garden potatoes to put on as well as hutterite corn then when Kaylin made it home around 7:30 threw on the chicken souvlaki. Yummy supper with my girls. After a visit and a shower I watched a few How To Get Away With Murder.. till about 1 actually when Shaina crawled in.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

off to the booth

Again I was up by 8, Britt was off earlier and the other 2 are sleeping in. The day started out fairly sunny but soon smoked over and became smoking hot. It seems the internet was glitchy even after new router but I soon found out that we had gone over our 200 GB of data. Yep more time with the provider but eventually I got the internet back running. Time to get laundry going then decided today I would head to the booth to see the status and take over some antiques to put in if room. Of course the flower pots needed watering first.

Shaina was up and out the door just before her noon shift. I woke Kaylin who has to leave by 12:30, she made coffee, gave poopy back Lex a quick bath and got ready. I left before she did now loaded up. It was 32 as I was driving there and 34 on the way home! The booth had hardly anything sold but I did manage to fit int he valet chair, and few other things and rearrange stuff. I had time to peruse around as well and have to say our booth is pleasing to the eye more so then many packed ones but it all comes down to sales.

It was now 2:30 and needed a bite to eat so grabbed a burger and hit the local Salvation army to find a jewelry box. I found one, and a wooden rocking horse, a mirror, shelf and another trinket box ;)

My next stop was Costco without a list.. ok what I remembered was bread and computer so I got those and a bit more ;) Like I said it was hot and smoky so I grabbed an ice cap and headed home scooping the mail on the way by.

Back at the ranch it was unload and update my CM spreadsheet and deposit the piddly cheque from last month. Shaina was home around 6 bringing us a salad big enough from work to feed all 3 of us (B when she got home) and deep fried pickles, thanks Dude! She was then headed back to town before 7 to take in a boot camp she may be running in the future then working out and not back home till almost 9. Kaylin was home before 11 after her work day. Usually the evenings have cooled off but when I was getting Lola in after midnight it was still 24 out, such a warm and lovely night, wow!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

leading lessons with Roo again - lots of pics

8 am wakeup again but this time Lex slept thru the night and I awoke at 4 so went to bathroom then back to bed! I spent a bit of time chatting back and forth with the chair lady. I did hike out to check my stock and indeed have more chairs to match but after seeing her table I talked her out of them as too small, silly me. While I was out there checking I picked the rest of the apples except the honey crisp. The darn birds were eating so many more so the pecked ones went to the ponies.

check out the size of some of my honey crisp apples

I put 2 more coats of stain on the kids table top as well as another coat of milk paint.

but of course when I was ready to poly I noticed looking directly down you could see the frame so out came the artist brush and new milk paint

All were sanded between coats then 2 coats of poly added to the chairs and table base. It is all done now, yeah. Britt and I loaded up and headed to work with baby Roo at 2.

 conga line

so hot.. need a drink and a rest 

She had another good day,coming right along we think ;) We stopped at Tims seeing it was another hot day at 28, Of course B had no wallet hahaha. We were back home at 4:30. I cooked up supper but when I stepped outside I had this jumbo heavenly visitor...

and such a pretty blue.. my favorite color.. not sure who you were but thanks for coming to say hi!

Other then working with Roo, B had a laid back day. She did do some laundry and went out to hose and feed Bird tonight ;) Did I mention season 3 of How to Get Away with Murder is new on Netflix? I am sure she is finished.

It is getting darker earlier now, even before 9 now. I finally was able to post the antique dresser blog post today, click the colored link to stop by. The girls missed there flight by 3 minutes due to slow security line so had an additional 3+ hours to wait not getting home till almost midnight, tired girls for sure.

Monday, August 28, 2017

ups and downs kinda day

B did not get home till 2 am and Sheldon was out the door at 4 and as per the last week Lex wanted out just after 4 too. Hmmmm I need to change this before it is a habit ;) I was up at 8, coffee and social media, marketing and blogging filled my morning. Britt was actually up for coffee around 9:30 and off to town after 10 for a chiropractor appointment.

I did head out and paint a small shelf I scrubbed up last night when washing brushes with milk paint but after lunch when it was dry it was flaking off. I did expect it might so tried adding bonding agent but no luck so scrubbed it clean again! :/  Britt bought us lunch!! what! thanks B, she chose Greek salad for me and even though not my favorite I ate it with gusto. She then was off to start packing for Europe.

Once the shelf was dry I took it out in the 30 degree heat and sprayed it with spray paint, this will stick! I watered the garden between coats.

Mid afternoon I got a call from the antique mall and it seems they are not making enough money off us cause not much has sold in last 4 months. Yes indeed we know this people but whatever, it makes it easier it was not us pulling out due to lack of sales which we had considered. ;(

Needing to get more projects done, I took down the kids set I recently acquired and sanded the crayon off the table top and chair seats. I went with a beechnut grey stain/poly all in one but forgot how fast it dries and marks so sanded the half that looked a bit different then redid it but again after drying it was not the same so the entire top was sanded down yet again. Is there a pattern as of recent? Yes there sure seems to be.. anyway once I put another coat on it looks much better, good choice.

I did some accounting and blog work including writing another post for chairs. I posted another milk paint stool class and short order I had a mom and daughter sign up and send their deposit. That is good news after a day of not the best.

Britt did not pack, it seems she fell asleep for 4 hours and is still snuffling and blowing her nose. Hopefully she gets all her germs out of her system before her trip. After supper she did make a batch of cookies while I went out to paint the kids table base and chairs before calling it done in the workshop at 10:30.

I had posted the green chair this afternoon and by this evening I have a bite on it and possibly more to match, fingers crossed.  Now I need some rest.. and a couple cookies ;) but as per normal I did not get off the computer till 11:30 then started Season 3 of How to Get Away with Murder!