Sunday, March 19, 2017

wonky weather continues

Minus 1 over night and popping up to plus 2 but overcast BUT no wind. I got to work staging and posting the black stool.

Staging is such a chaotic time consumer so while on a roll I did the coral pieces and the TV stand. It does get floors vacuumed and things dusted though ;)

I milk painted the 3rd shelf using the left over paint from the stool and painted the jewel box a soft green. I did not turn on any noise till I started painting and today chose Switched at Birth on my Ipad. What great inventions!! While the first coat on them dried I made these.

The wind picked up and the skies got even darker and at 2 a quick snow blast blew thru but was soon gone and the sun came out. The wind continued but blew warmer up to a high of 6. Time to put a second coat on both projects.  Then it was back inside to work on blog posts including the antique chair. and TV stand.

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