Thursday, March 30, 2017

lunch date #2 this week

Did I mention I ended up with Sheldon's cold? Yep he was kind enough to share it with me and for the last couple nights the throat feels the worst. I have a lunch date with Coreena and Sharon today so had to get myself together to meet them at 11:30. Prior to going I had polox issues to deal with but once there we had a quick catch up.

By 1 everyone was on their way. I ran a few errands washing my car, picking up some seeds. some feed tubs and dog food. At Walmart I ran in to Monica so had a catch up with her too. I grabbed a hot tea for my ride to the ranch, pitched hay on my way by to the house.

I staged the custom table quick

forgot to share the before

Shaina messaged she is still doing well but not near wifi for a few more days. I forgot to share the photos she sent of the lost city they hiked to last week.

look at Shaina busting a workout on the Shaman's bench press, it does look a bit rickety :)

The weather was nice plus 13 but windy. My afternoon project was the picture dropped off. I took it all apart and took the frame out to paint black in two coats. In between coats I spent time with our internet provider to get the thing working, sheesh. Finally I got it going.

just the black frame makes a huge difference

My evening project was the roll top desk and in true milk paint fashion it gave me random colors requiring another mix up of paint and such but think it will be sweet. I finished up at 9:30 and relaxed with Netflix finishing season 3 of Switched at Birth and started season 4.

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