Sunday, March 26, 2017

Impromptu polocrosse practice

What a beauty day this Sunday is. Britt arrived home from her sleepover before 8:30 but promptly hit her bed to sleep. Mom called just after 9 to say she was on the road so while waiting for her arrival I did some project work. The roll top desk repairs are progressing, I forgot a photo before so put together for a couple.

The wall sconces I chose fusion paint in brown to mix with the fresco. There will be no chipping now.

Sheldon ventured out in the sunshine to toss hay and start rolling up the wire off the temp fence. He was finishing up when Mom pulled in at noon. She had brought a little cabinet I moved in before I made us a quick lunch. It was too nice to not get outside so all of us headed out in the plus 10 to catch horses. Perfect day for a ride and polocrosse fun practice. The wind was minimal with just a couple bursts. Lots of fun time on horse back was had by all and having Mom ride Hawk saved me ponying or riding both, thanks Mom.
 someone needs a haircut!!

 just hanging out buddies

check out this well behaved horse waiting for her ball retrieving rider to return to join in the catch game

Back inside for a refreshment and camera chat while I made lasagna and threw it in. Britt napped on the couch after getting showered up and ready for the tanning salon staff meeting. Mom and I chose a paint color for a couple pieces from her youth bedroom then she was off after 5:30 to spend the night with the Paetz family.

Relaxing for the Prince, Britt was home later in the evening. She is staying tonight for an early doctors appointment in the am. I set up a milk paint class for next Sunday then hit the tub to soak my sore muscles.

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