Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Monday

Britt was up early finishing laundry and heading to her doctor appointment at 8:15 am. From there she will head back to school. I got up and with a fresh coffee caught up on my emails and further prep for next Sunday's first milk paint clinic.

just found this missed photo from yesterday's practice ;)

Sheldon was up a bit later and finally starting to get on the mend. He finished up the last of the tax numbers he needed to drop with the accountant then tossed some hay. In the garage I put a cream coat over the wall sconces, glued Mom's shelf up and got all my paint projects set up to go. Sharon arrived around 11 to pick up her new quilt rack and have a visit.

the lake is gone ;(

I bought this cute mirror for Ada's birthday so painted it a couple coats of coral to go with her turquoise frames I did. I think it is super cute and vintage looking but with a fun color. Sheldon got all loaded up and headed off before 2. Shaina text just after he left she made it safely out of the jungle hike and it was much harder then any of them expected. 70 kms of hiking up and down the mountain sides in Columbia. One of the couples even had to hire a mule as they could not do it but it seems the poor little mule struggled to carry the heftier fellow ;(

My farrier coach was to be here at 1:30 but was delayed until after 2, I had 3 of the girls caught ready to roll. Once she arrived we spent the next 3 hours trimming them and doing a refresher course. She was off at 5:30 leaving me to do Daisy before coming in. Did I mention sore muscles from riding? well now they are even sorer ;)


 the knives I want to get


I painted up Mom's wee frames and waxed the coral mirror before hitting a tub to soak. A fresh change of the sheets and it was time to catch up on Scandal and Switched at Birth.

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