Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spring ahead

Time to get up an hour earlier.. for the girls getting home at 2:30 which was now 3:30 it was a chore. But we were all loaded up and off to town by 9:45 new time. Today we are looking at 5 rental properties. The sun popped out as we went but the -15 was still brisk. The favorite of the tour has an offer on it of course.

Back home by noon, dropping Britt and Steph at her cane in town first Sheldon made sausage and eggs for brunch. He then was off to push snow and the girls were off to Olds before 2. B has lambing shift at 4. I worked on blog posts before we made a trip back to town to check out a show home.

Back home I whipped up cabbage roll cassserole for our supper. it is a bit spicier and more work then the good old Acadia Valley recipe which remains a favorite. Odd even though supper was late (6:45 new time) it was sunny and bright and did not feel so ;) Again Sheldon watched hockey (oilers lose sorry grama and papa) while I continued blog posts. Here is the step stool post.

I also got another feature on HomeTalk thursday for the chocolate desk and it has reached almost 9000 hits so far.

I made my anniversary draw at 9. Britt was the winner! I even tried two more numbers after and the next was Shaina's number then Amanda's so I guess it was meant to be a family member. Britt really liked it when she saw it so I guess it was meant to be her too. To round out our day we watched Get Hard.. silly movie ;)

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