Tuesday, August 2, 2016

it's the Prince's birthday

Today is the Prince's birthday. Everyone was up early, Britt and I were out doctoring Shiloh by 8:30 while Sheldon enjoyed his coffee on the deck in the sun. Back in the house around 9, Shaina was just getting ready to head out the door to her early morning shift too. Not long and Britt and Stephanie were headed north to get their new house keys, sign papers and do the walk thru.

 time for a crop picture and check if ready, D thinks he will taste test it ;)

I got preparations going for the "surprise" party tonight but it may have been let out of the bag but he played along I think. He went to start swathing but found his blower quit and who could be without A/C?? ;)  
 Sheldon weed eated a bit and I brought out the lawn mowers

As I was showering to head to town for party supplies, Dr Ty text he was on his way. He checked Shiloh and then had a look at Switch. The sole issue he thinks was most likely a bruise that under thin sole is taking a long time to heal but the raised bumpy area he thinks is a equine sarcoma. He sedated her, blocked the area and took a biopsy to send away and confirm.

left- local block
right- punching the biopsy
 the biopsy hole and below stitching it closed
 just napping in the sun
 Sheldon started his swathing, I stayed out in the sunshine with the sleep girl till she got a bit more spry then put her back in her paddock and headed to town. Loaded up on party food and raced back home. Sheldon was finished up his couple of rounds as rain is forecast and having a birthday beer.

Sheldon's view from his seat and mine from the road
 Not long and the Medicine Hat tribe arrived, Grama, Papa, Auntie Candace, Riley and Reese. The festivities began along with horse hospice tour and new yard updates. Shaina was home after 4 as Britt was heading out to ride so she too went out on Baby.

 Shaina and her 3 favorite girls

Kaylin came later on, Darren and Sharon (with Darren's first visit with Shiloh now home from up north), Amanda and the kids followed with Craig after his meeting and Josh after hockey. Supper was yummy, thanks for the great food brought folks. The skies got dark and threatening so a campfire was out ;( Mom was kind enough to bring Sheldon's new baler over and after a 4+ hour trek she arrived after 8:00, THANKS MOM!! She had lots of food to enjoy as did Shelby once she got here. She brought Shiloh some toys to keep him entertained. Before people started to head home I gathered all and snapped these awesome pictures!

 birthday tickles

 birthday boy .. and a candle blower helper

 always have a funny face one

the fellows checking out the "new" baler

Mom headed back to Oyen around 10:30 to beat the storms and had tours and meeting tomorrow. Josh was last to leave after the movie finished about 11 as the thunder rolled in.. well another successful birthday celebration was had!

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