Tuesday, August 23, 2016

howling wind!

The raging winds howled all night, darn Diego insisted on going out just after 2 which of course set Lola on perimeter security duty. I stood out in the crap wind waiting for her to finish and come in and had just gotten back in bed by 3 when Coco decided she needed out! WTH.. lets just say there was not a favorite dog in the house last night. As I was laying awake I remembered my glass ball and sure enough I could see it laying in the new grass area but chose to leave it till am when I let the bossy Diego and his friend out at 7. Did I mention Sheldon was rustling around at 5-6 ;)

Coffee is my friend today. I buffed and hauled in the chair, staged and posted and finished the blog post for it.

Britt stumbled up before 11 and as I was updating my kijiji page I realized I forgot to give Switch her meds. The have nothing to do Britt refused to do it for me as it was "cold" out! I grabbed my boots and rain coat and got it done. It is days like this that I am most thankful for our barn!

The wind continued to blow all day with occasional spits of rain. Britt did make us cheesy omelets for lunch, thanks B. I got back to work in the garage putting a couple coats of clear on entire table and painting another chair, this time green. I asked myself while painting.. why am I not spraying these chairs, they would be done in minutes rather then hours then I remembered cleaning the sprayer.. it is great for big jobs or many chairs the same color, so I kept painting with my brush.

Back inside I saw a diamond earring was missing off my dresser, a search on the rug below lead to half hour going thru the vacuum canister which lead to a full scale bedroom cleaning, meaning moving dressers and nightstands, dusting all baseboards, going thru my dresser drawers and purging (just in case earring fell into one of the drawers) and a deep vacuum. Again it led to going thru canister and no luck. Britt got school supplies together then spent a couple hours perusing her memory box. Lots of good laughs there.

Sheldon got home at his usual time as my vacuuming was ringing me thru the main floor. He was not feeling well so spent the rest of the evening on the couch but he did give me a hand hauling in the grey table now that I had the staging area cleaned and ready to go.

Britt was off to birthday supper with Brooke around 6:30 as the winds finally started to die down but still dreary and cool. The table top made me crazy as the last coat of poly I put on full strength with a brush across, I could see marks so sanded it and put a 5th coat on with damp rag, better. I also sanded the green chair while not totally dry all between bedding laundry.

Time to head out around 8:30 before dark, to catch Switch, give her meds, put her boot back on as damp ground softening her sole again and put back. Lola and I headed to hay paddock, caught Pepper and moved the other two out and put him with the "dark" girls for a bit. back inside Sheldon helped me make the bed for him to crawl in tuckered from another long day,

Today is Amanda Jean's cake day, Happy birthday my lovely! XOXO

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