Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Deb heads home

early to rise today, Sheldon was off to work chatting with Deb as he went out the door. I got up soon after to get in a last visit, wash them up a fresh peach for breakfast, then snap some great fog and sunrise photos before they pulled out about 6:45 to head south.
 I am so excited to see the boots have Switch walking almost like normal
 the bright sun was glaring in the fog, hard to capture for this rookie but was pretty to see
After they were off I did some Instagram posts and fell asleep for an hour before the girls were up getting ready to head to work. Shaina started at 9 but of course left after 9 followed soon by Britt who works at 9:30 at the GYM today for 3 hours. I also remembered I had a doctor appointment to remove the biopsy stitch so got the dresser drawer fronts black waxed and got ready for town.

I may have been travelling a bit over the posted (only 9 km) just coming into town, got a warning flash and wave from the popo.. thank you! After the quick removal I was heading home when a little voice said maybe you should see if there is a good tree sale on so I whipped around and spent the next hour and half loading up a cart of perennials. Who can pass up a 50-95% sale I ask? Did I say I had Sadie?? She was loaded.
 on the carts and PARTIALLY in the car.. rest went in back seat
SO once home I spent the next couple of hours planting 9/15 of the pots and watering them in well. Britt got home from work and after a few texts did come scoop a couple Coco poops up. She then caught 4 horses, I changed and we tacked up. She rode Bird ponying KD and I rode Daisy and ponied Baby. Even in the 24 heat the mozzies could find us. After hosing and releasing, Britt fed Bird, I started mowing the girls paddock to cut down the long grass around dry poo but after doing half flogged Britt to get on and finish while I pulled weeds and grass for the girls. Sheldon pulled in as we finished up and it was Miller time.

I picked a huge tub of weeds while waiting for the dogs to eat and Sheldon to nap but once up he sprayed the island with round up. Once dry, and dead, if rain stays away long enough I can plant 3 of the shrubs in there tomorrow. I finished mowing the shop area before putting mower away while Sheldon sprayed the edge of the lane way too. No rain ever did show, just thunder off and on.

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