Monday, August 8, 2016

back at it

Lola woke me with a couple barks at 7, the fog was socked right into to the fence! Sheldon was off to work at 6 back after his 10 day hiatus. Deb was showered up and crocheting as I made coffee and she, Mary and I had a visit over a coffee before they set off for their big shopping day.

I got busy on the navy dresser, not liking the look of a couple drawer fronts. Sanding them back down and repainting was the plan, finally the black wax was nearly dry, wow! But new hardware is not even sent so no rush. Then it was time to water all flower pots and raised beds. I had to flog Britt out of bed by noon ;)

My afternoon was filled with blogging, accounting, filling mineral/salt tubs in all pens.Britt did come when asked to help take down the "new grass" fence and help me restring around a small area by shop for girls to graze down before she was off to a 4 pm shift she picked up at the salon.

found this weed while filling.. looks like buffalo bean but Prince says toad weed
friendly game of tug a war

look who Deb found at one of the malls? ;)

Back inside a created the most yummy supper with veggies ready to roast, pork tenderloin in a marinade and a scrumptious fresh from BC peach crisp.

Sheldon is riding solo this week so was able to scoot past Tack Collector on his way home and pick up horse "boots" I have been trying to secure for weeks. Thanks Prince. After a quick beer and visit he had a nap so I went out and put them on her with a sugardyne and poultice pad.

Thinking the shoppers were on a role, I started supper late but eventually we ate without them. Britt got home soon after we finished but had taken her supper to work, she headed out to ride. Took a bit after dessert to get the motivation but Sheldon did go and hand mow the "new grass" AKA weed patch as the shoppers arrived then swung the ride on down the side, looks great!

 quite the crop right? she Deb on the lane?

They enjoyed the dessert portion of my supper having had pizza at the mall. My customers stopped to pick up the coffee table all finished and were on their way again.

Britt was finishing up her horse task when Shaina got home from her work shift. She decided not to ride after all since it was now quite dark and mosquito infested. We visited until about 11 before everyone called it a night.
not sure when I will learn to do my hair and put on warpaint when another photographer comes to visit ;)

Happy Anniversary to Amanda and Craig!

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