Saturday, August 6, 2016

big breakfast to start the day

Coffee started the day, Deb ran to town and bought her French toast makings and created some for breakfast. Sheldon helped Britt with Shiloh while I worked on breakfast bacon and fruit.We enjoyed the yummy breakfast and spent the morning visiting and more catch up.

Britt showing Gran Thailand pictures
 Britt rode Bird after her nursing duties
Busy hands Deb whipped up a few scarfs on her trip, I got this one, THANK YOU!

 After lunch we all went in to Paetz's for a visit and late lunch except Britt who headed to Hussar for a ball tournament. Shaina came over after work as did Brad a little later on.


We all headed home about 8 where I gave Shiloh his shot, cleaned his stall and fed him his hay. The entire bag was untied and sunken in the water tub he drug over.. What a guy. Sheldon came out and helped me with fresh water.

Deb and Mary took a detour home grabbing guacamole ingredients and while I had started bean dip, she made guac and finished the dip and we had a great chow down and yet more visiting and olympics.

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