Wednesday, August 17, 2016

hay bales all rolled up

7 am and ready to roll, or at least the dogs were, I needed some coffee. Unfortunately I drank 3 cups and today was glass installation on the hutch.. not the smartest idea but I got it done ;)

After 11, I had Britt go move the horses all back east out of the bale paddock much to their displeasure but we don't want to let all the conditioning and hard work taking off the weight backfire right? and they had 12 hours there.
 look at Baby run to the hay ahead of Britt.. self excersising
 here is the fallout from last nights skid steer tire malfunction
 Britt capturing the ponies

The day started dark and threatening but after lunch the sun popped out and a bit of breeze, here's to the hay drying enough to bale. Britt rode KD and ponied Baby after lunch. and I met them on way back in to trim Baby yet again and Britt caught Pepper for me to trim to. Even at only 23, I was sweating like a banshee. B went to get ready for her salon shift at 3.

 yay, bales!!

I finished up the hutch and staged a few pictures.. sadly in the garage as plan was to pickup tonight so it did not sit in garage while they were on vacation for a week but that did not pan out. Now to find a place inside to store till they are back.

As soon as Sheldon got home from work at 5, he changed and jumped on the tractor, In an hour he had the rest of the winter pasture rolled up, making 2 1/2 bales (4 1/2 total that field). I am so stoked we don't have to buy hay now!! He did however find the problem with the loud clunking I could hear when the baler as near full.. looks like another baler repair ;( What is farming if not spending as much time repairing things right? Although this piece was claimed to be field ready, dang.

I cooked up a delicious home cooked supper which we enjoyed a bit later with Britt catching the tail end. She picked up a few groceries on her way home too, yay B! Getting practice for the new digs at college. Sheldon donated a ton of blood to the mosquito population removing the skid steer tire for repair before calling it a night. The rain never did arrive..

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