Tuesday, August 18, 2015

spray primer day

Sheldon was up and off early, I managed to sleep till 8 ;) checking the rain gauge to find just over 1 cm over night of additional rain. Good thing they moved the bales off allowing it to soak in everywhere. I grabbed a coffee and got busy sanding the smaller table and preparing the chairs to be painted too.

 Britt was rousted and took Coco in for her hair spa just before 11. I got to work now spray painting primer on the table, chairs and night stand. I took a break to join Britt listening to her Olds college webinar information session over lunch. I grabbed an ice cap for myself and Cara, our dog groomer on the way to pick up the freshly coiffed Miss Coco, thanks Cara she looks great.

 When the nightstand  was all dry I put a coat of fresh crisp white on it and sprayed the hardware black. Britt headed off to meet her sisters for a big night tonight going to the Nicki Minaj concert, have fun my lovelies!! I sent along a roll of their favorite AV sausage for their supper too.

 aren't my girls gorgeous!! love you my pretties! XOXOXO
Time to walk the dogs as now high of 20 has peaked, the rain has created a few mozzies too, grrr but always misses my front flower beds and pots and garden so all got a drink. Back in the paint shop I put a first coat on the curvy antique mirror and distressed before calling a shower and relax. I did post a new customer appreciation giveaway too. It is open to all friends, family and customers so stop by and enter.

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