Sunday, August 16, 2015

soggy polox tournament w/e

We were up at 6:30 and after a coffee, rousting the girls, loading last minute fresh food and water, grabbing the horses and another bale we were on the road about 7:45. There had been about 1/2" rain over night and it was not long before we hit it coming down again just after the river. It was spotty off and on all the way to Bar U ranch when we pulled in, even after stopping for gas) by 9 to find a rain delay.
This delay lasted all day. The party commenced in trailers, many filling ours especially since Grama was serving lunch. There was a break mid afternoon where many including Britt and I tacked up to just ride around for a bit just to say we did before the rain was back. The catered supper provided a warm dry break and was good to boot.

 It was not long and the trailer was full of drinkers enjoying the snacks and comradarie
Shaina headed back to the hotel with Grama and Papa for the night. Back at the camp, the rain had let up again so a ball throwing lesson between Sheldon Britt and I turned into rousting circle of many, balls were flying everywhere and lots of fun was had, Sheldon and I retreated to the trailer to watch from when the rain started up again but many stayed until soaked. A few joined us in the trailer until we set out to find a lit warmer bigger venue where many laughs ensued till 1:30 am when we all trudged home thru the continued rain.

It did not let up till around 4 am but was still soggy and grey but some areas of break up when we got up around 9:30. The field was deemed slippery of course so Britt was dibs out to try and play and did not want to do a trail ride so we rode to the hill top, loaded the horses and met Papa, Grama and Shaina in Longview for breakfast hitting a bit of rain on the way.

The journey home continued to get sunnier with still some dark clouds but I caught Hawk and we all rode before hosing and letting them out after a very unproductive riding w/e. The sun was out shining and 17 so a nice change. Sheldon got started on moving bales off the field. Shaina showered and was off to the city and while I hauled stuff back in and updated the blog, Britt drove the truck and dumped loads of bales. Good job B learning how to pull the big dump trailer, horse trailer soon ;)

A couple hours later they had the 85 bales off the field and stacked. I lugged out buckets of minerals/salt and refilled all the sheds, refilled the big water trough and cooked up a family favorite for supper, tacos! The rain gauge had another 1 1/2 cm so over an inch from Friday night to this am. Storm clouds threatened around supper but no rain was to be seen as Sheldon weighed a load of bales then delivered to a friend. First sales of the year, wow. He brought a hot chai home to end the chilly wet w/e.
THANKS  to Matt for feeding Lola and Diego last night and this morning, muchly appreciated and a big Happy Birthday to my brother Dale for yesterday!!
(little throw back with baby Ada)

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