Thursday, August 6, 2015

rainy day

Thursday already, holy cow. Rain had started in the night around 4:30 and continued on and off most of the day. It was a cool cloudy day that had a high of 16 but mostly hovered around 12. Britt was lucky enough to get a dental cleaning cancellation so she and I were off to town for her 11 appointment.

I ran a long list of errands filling the now Mercedes "farm" car with dog and horse food and a few other essentials. I grabbed us hot teas and once picked her up we made a stop to pick up scrubs and rubber boots for the impending college start up.
Kaylin dropped Lexi  off and stayed for a visit with me as Britt was off to work again. I made hamburger soup on this rainy day which is always the best but it was not done before Kaylin was off back to the city to enjoy her concert vacation w/e.

I checked the rain total for the day so far coming in at  2 cm!! This sure makes my tree and grass watering easier. ;) The smaller dresser got another coat of paint and first sealer today as did the wood tops get yet another coat of poly. Hardware got scrubbed up but still unsure what I will put on as the order I put in was cancelled do to shortage, grrr.
I ventured out and walked all 4 dogs before the rain began to drizzle down yet again. Time to have a hot bath and start a new Netflix series called "The Fosters".
 the pack in order of energy!
 snapped a few pictures of the oat bales

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