Tuesday, July 14, 2015

wee bit of rain

Shaina was up cooking eggs and off to work before 7, Britt was up and off to work for 10. Accounting filled my morning but eventually I got all the receipts off my desk and sorted in Money. Sheldon headed out just before lunch to start putting up wall boards in the barn. I went out in the sunshine and trimmed trees, deadheaded flowers and pulled spent poppies with the occasional dog poop pick up.
Once home from work around 2, Shaina and I went out to ride with me ponying Pepper along too. Sheldon helped Matt out on an electrical issue quick and was having a cold beer when we rolled back in. After hosing the horses off, Shaina and I trimmed Baby who has fast growing feet. It seems the lady who came to try her is returning on the w/e for another try. Britt was home after work and contemplated riding but the storm that was rumbling for the last hour finally let go and we go another quick but appreciated bout of rain.
first drops of rain have them running for shelter but 8 horses in 1 leaves a few still out in the rain
Shaina was picked up by Shannon just after supper taking Coco for a wee city vacation too. Sheldon unhooked the horse trailer to go grab a big flat deck he will be needing to take to the farm Thursday. Britt ran over to Stouts to accept a belated grad gift while I quickly typed up todays blog then walked the dogs in the cooler 18 degrees with scattered clouds although it did hit 25 while we were riding.

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