Friday, July 17, 2015

big rain day

I was up at 6 am and the rain was coming down. This continued all day as I made my journey to Hanna to see Dr Dave and staff. I enjoyed a great morning coffee session visiting with Tracey, thanks for the catch up! All the way home it continued as well. I stopped briefly in town to pick up Britt a burger and deliver to her at work for supper around 4 then headed home.
of course heading to Hanna always includes bad weather, today it was terrible wind with the welcome rain
I was excited that I had gone my first 500 kms on only half a tank of gas!

Sheldon arrived home at 6 from his two days in the valley. By now the rain had ebbed and he checked the gauge, 1 inch and 3/10ths!! but it was not long and another shower came thru dropping another 10th. Pretty good moisture accumulation day.
 bison checked
 tee pee before disassembly
I had made a hot supper as the clouds threatened more rain with a few bouts of sun. Britt was home from work after 7 and joined us in going down to Stouts for a catch up there till about midnight. It was a very good day for rain and visits with "old" friends. ;)

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