Friday, July 24, 2015

watering day

Friday was a day in the sunshine for me. I watered garden, flower beds, horses, trees and grass for 8 hours straight ;) Every water source was running. Everything is looking so green. While the water flowed I walked the dogs, pulled rhubarb, cleaned out the horse trailer and put shavings under a few trees.
Britt was a helper once she was up and filled the salt/mineral tubs in all shelters, put 2 ponies out to graze down the new hot wire area and chopped some of the rhubarb for my pies, thanks B! She was then off to work for 3. One of my great customers stopped out with 3 old chairs her husband found me and had a visit in the sunshine, thanks Ryan and Abbie!
Been awhile since I spent nearly entire day outside but what a list I did. I emptied 1250 gallons from the one tank and moved to the next. Hard to tell how much drained from the shop one but lots I am guessing.
Around supper Jamie and girls arrived to pick up Olivia's completed vanity. We enjoyed a fun visit before they were off east.
 here is my sweet little God Daughter and her new vanity
 she is just the cutest, check out the blingy knobs Jamie picked out, oolala
Once home from work Britt home caught 3 horses and we rode in the fantastic evening yet again, the day was another beauty with a high of 25. Following our ride and dog run for Lola, B fed horses while I trimmed Hawks fronts with new info. Time for a hot soak and catch up on some PVR shows while Britt was caught up in another book. Wild Friday night for the Kuhn girls!

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