Monday, July 27, 2015

new projects on the go

Time to get busy. First order of business was flip the growth ruler and put on wood conditioner then stain. As it dried I spent most of the day sanding outside. The vintage tall boy and 4 drawers got a good sanding and another bath then one repair while the white dresser got top sanded down too and the sides buffed. It required more repair so all was fixed and left to dry well.

 Sheldon needed a crop update so snapped these of the oats and sent, he is planning his harvest day
While I had the water out I scrubbed Diego's head up and when it dried I gave him a dousing of tea tree oil as a different take of helping the sores. I am attempting to change the coloring of this ash tree..with more water.. one definitely is the odd ball right?
notice the variation of colors between the 3 same trees?

Britt was not up till noon and spent the day as a slug after making us grilled cheese for lunch. She did head to town at 4 to go to the gym but returned for supper having grabbed the mail too.

Rain rolled in at 7, yeah yard watering made easy! I spent a few hours sourcing knobs for the 2 dressers online but no luck.. Hobby Lobby was my jackpot in Vegas, should have stockpiled more!
summer sunset prairie skies

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