Saturday, January 24, 2015

garage tidy

It was plus 5 at midnight last night when I finished up an episode of Dexter but I was awoke at 1:30 to a huge windstorm and even warmer temps. Britt got home soon after and confirmed the warm wind. By morning the pasture had the small pond forming again.

the frame needed better light and scale so I snapped these and added to online album
Britt was up and off to work at the gym for 9. I painted the Paris blue chairs another coat and tidied as a customer and her daughter stopping to check out the smaller of the two rustic tables. They took the table and checked out all in stock pieces while here.
I staged and posted the finished chair.

Back in the garage it was more sorting and organizing now that things are moved out. Shaina stopped after lunch for a visit again before going back to work out with Britt. I continued sorting, reorganizing and scrubbing the garage. I have two ladies who booked private lessons so this and the fact of getting more done urged me on.
 the pond at noon
 the paris blue and signature blue chairs staged
So here is progress minus washing machine, large frame, a huge cabinet, 5 chairs, a bench and hopefully 2 dressers gone and going soon!
Britt got home from work and after a lay on the couch and a firm request she took dogs for a quick walk requiring the low rider to get hosed off once they returned. Plus 10 makes for lots of muddy dogs. Britt headed to town to a hockey game as I ran to town to meet Julie, a gal who is a "picker" and as it turns out, small world, works for IW Kuhn. Her page Rustic Art Buy & Sell posts some treasures and tonight she was meeting me with my first load. (will post my treasures pic tomorrow)
what ya think Shel? ;)

While in town I treated myself to supper and a tea which I ate back home. I hopped into a hot tub after my dusty dirty cleaning day while watching Dexter and actually nodded off when finishing the episode in bed!
But upon waking I finished 3 more episodes with only 2 remaining in the entire series! Britt got home after midnight from the longest hockey game ever lol

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