Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve

New Years eve of 2016 started with the usual coffee and creamer and tablet time. Sheldon's task for the day was to work on humidifier, he found issues with wiring and needed 1 part. He ran to town just after lunch, got the missing link and returned to successfully get humidifier back in working order. Britt spent the whole day in her room reading.

After she was kind enough to curl my hair while I painted my nails, Sheldon and I were off to the city to celebrate. The sunny day hit a high of -2 and 0 in the city. There was a quick stop to do a few returns at Costco then off to the Keg. The table lady met me there and quickly loaded up the table while Sheldon got our table inside. Richard, the sign fellow stopped for a quick visit got his sign and was off.

As always, the sirloin Oscar never disappoints nor did the margarita, ceasar, escargots or Spanish coffees. The most delicious meal to send out 2015. It was then off to the Flames game where sadly they ended up losing.

just happened to have this little gift from Debby in my purse, perfect for a frosty beverage at a hockey game
 following the game was the fireworks disply
Time to venture home, the temperature fluctuated a pile from -4 to -18 and finally -6 back at the ranch. Britt was off to celebrate at the Station staying overnight at Brooke's. As we celebrated 2016 coming in with a fancy bottle of rum from BIL Craig, the winds started to pick up. We started a new Netflix series called The Last Kingdom.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

B gets a work shift

Busy B was up and ready to take on a shift at the gym today. 9:30-6! Sheldon has acupuncture at 10 so was up too and helped her with a low tire issue, hope it is not a nail. I fine tuned details on a table sale. The lady wants it for a desk so will need shelf removed and touch up paint but I think I used all that color. Sheldon will pick up from in town on display at the boutique and I will see.

Back home with hot tea, mail and my table, Sheldon rolled out another bale for the ponies in the sunny -4. I found a skiff of the green paint in a mixing jar so touch ups were good, it seems I had painted the rails anyway ;)

B joined us for supper after her long work day but pretty happy to have cash in her pocket for it. Her friend Josh stopped out to watch a  movie with her while I watched a few more Scandal and Sheldon slept.
forgot to share my professionally wrapped gift from S I got last night.. economy wrapped ;)

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

night shifts end

Frosted over fogged in morning again. Sheldon was on an early flight home after working his week of nights. Britt was up begrudgingly not wanting to travel to town in the near zero visibility but eventually headed in for her 11:30 chiropractor. Poor girl has to fit in all the health appointments during vacation time now she is a college girl. She grabbed milk on her way home and arrived back just before Sheldon pulled in at 12:30. I staged and posted the kids table set.

He chatted for a bit, watched a bit of news and hit the sheets for about 4 hours. The great thing about Netflix and an iPad is portability so can be watched anywhere but handy when baking for sure. Pizzelles were my afternoon creation.

The last 2 days have been back in the -15 so changed trimming plans more then the sore back. The sun tried to peek thru the fog briefly but soon was blocked out again. Once up, Sheldon moved to the TV room to watch the Flames get defeated ;( The evening was rounded out with Britt joining us to watch the remade Vacation.!! Lots of laughs even a 2nd time.

Monday, December 28, 2015

B finishes her water color nightstand

Snow was softly falling again when we awoke. Britt was up by 8, ready loaded bottles and was off doe her 9 am dr appointment. She also picked up beer and baileys on her way home saying the roads were crap!

My back felt a bit better after coffee and more bean nag therapy so we got busy polying the projects. Once all the coats were dry and I sprayed her hardware black she put her nightstand together and moved to her room. I snapped a few photos of her water color masterpiece to post then put the table back together and moved it inside to get pictures tomorrow in better light.

Fresh sheets were next order of business, always feels good right? As usual laundry ran I worked on photo organizing again while one eye on iPad with Scandal on Netflix.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

break in cold spell

Sunday provided a break in the cold spell, -6 was the high. Once Britt was up she and I started the paint process. She chose peacock for her first coat and I chose the soft green for the chairs and table base of the kids set once it was all sanded smooth.

As it dried we went out and trimmed Bird and Pepper, ok I trimmed, Britt caught them and was in charge of sweeping up. Will try and do 2 a day if the weather holds. It turns out though I tweaked my back.. darn it!

Britt and I continued on the projects.. she added the light green I was doing the kids set and water colored it into a unique finish while I sand distressed the set and stained the table top. After I made supper for us, I retreated to bed with a hot bean bag and Netfix for the night as did she.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day miracle

Diego wanted out at 7:15, it was still dark but warmed up to -16, hahaha. Lola stayed out and after I crawled back into my warm bed I thought of little Miss Kaylin who has been at work for over an hour already! I managed to get back to sleep and get up after 9:30. Time for hot coffee as house is still at 18 even with little space heater running all night long and outside is back down to -20!! I trudged out to fill 2 buckets of wood and got the fire blazing.

At 10:30 the furnace guys arrived and in less then an hour they had the furnace back up and running, cause faulty thermostat! Thanks goodness ! Britt and I went out to pick feet, her wash Bird's cut which turned out to be small and feed Julio. We tried putting a blanket on him but as usual the other horses pester so took off.

The furnace finally shut off after almost 4 straight hours getting it to 22! But it did not stay off long and was back at work. Time to get vacuuming, Lexi is a sweetie but sheds hair like a snow storm. So now Britt is bored, after suggesting she clean her room she asked to paint her night stand. This led to her starting the relove procedure scrubbing it all down and I scrubbed up the kids table set and coffee table! Looks like she might be my back to work motivation ;)
 Britt's nightstand before
As they dried, she got busy cleaning her room good and I continued blog update and watched a few more Homeland in front of the fire ;) Once dry, we headed back out to start sanding process. B did her nightstand top while I started on tables.
Once done, I crawled  into bed where I finished season 3 of Homeland and started a new series, Scandal and ended up watching 5 episodes. Britt headed to town to take in ugly Xmas sweater at the station around 9:30 and again not getting home till 2;45.. trooper.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Today is Christmas Day, Merry Christmas everyone! I was up and enjoyed a hot coffee in a brisk 18 degree house. It was a cold -19 night! It seems the furnace is doing the same issue.. not working so last night when it was chilly away from the fire, it had gone on the fritz! Trouble shooting proved fruitless. Time to stoke a new fire which burned all day long. Our beautiful fireplace is meant for aesthetics not house heat, darn it!
Britt was first to join me and open her stocking, She went out to visit her animals, kindly fed Julio and the cats and refilled the salt/minerals, THANKS B! Yesterday I noticed Lola shaking her head so today Dr B had a look and confirmed ear infection so we doctored her up.

puppies thank Grama & Papa for the treats, 2 big ones are in a hurry to hide theirs so blurry cell phone shot, sorry

Kaylin  came up later and Shaina had to be rousted around noon. We had a facetime visit with the sleepy Sheldon who is getting thru his night shifts but up early today to send wishes (and chat about the furnace) We did have a bit of turkey, in the soup I made ;)

Makeup and hair was the fun after each getting our great gift boxes from the beauty queen. Everyone looked lovely for a day of relaxing and games. For supper I cooked STEAK in the broiler (to help heat the house) ;) with scrumptious mashed potatoes. Not traditional but yummy none the less.
 buddies soaking up the sun

Games moved to in front of the fire. Kaylin ended up not getting to Aaron's family after he slid thru a fence on way to get her. The clouds blocked the full moon and fog had set in. Matt the great neighbor, brought over Oscar's space heater to help us out, THANKS Matty! The house temp did hit a record 19 but outside hit a record low -20! The girls left for the city around 9:30 for Kaylin's early work shift but luckily found the roads clear to the city.

 such pretty girls XOXO

It seems a battery blew up in my flash, once cleaned it worked again but pictures now are either too bright (above horseopoly shot) or grainy without it (below) like cell above.. need to fine tune it
I cleaned up kitchen, scrubbed up pots then curled up in bed and watched The Longest Ride, finishing up around 1:15 when I got a text with some more good news, come June I will be an auntie again!! WAHOO!!