Monday, December 22, 2014

Volunteer supper serve @ Mustard Seed

Still being on night shifts to administer drugs and help the patient found me sleeping in along with everyone else. But at 9:15 I remembered the cleaners were arriving at 9:30 so it was jump up and finish last few things, as well Sheldon was taking Britt's 10 am massage and I was to have Lola to vets at 10 too. Mom called in between and between chatting and scrambling around the cleaners we were out to to appointments on time!
my little co-pilot
More errands like getting teas, meeting Shaina with one for her with her mail and various others, we grabbed lunch and were back home as cleaners were finishing up at 1. The husband who ordered the jewelry box customization stopped quick to pick it up.
Amanda and I were off to the city where I had a quick doctor appointment, did a bit of shopping and volunteered as supper servers at The Mustard Seed. I would like to plan a family serve night, it is really quite easy and is rewarding to share your time with those less fortunate. So many are very verbally appreciative and make the time fly by.

We were home before 9. Britt was feeling a bit better even up and around and had eaten soup for supper. Sheldon claims to have walked the dogs and dump the poop- scicle wheel barrow, not bad on such a relaxing day for him. ;)

He and I watched a SOA episode once all his football games were over before calling it a night after midnight medication run!

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