Sunday, December 28, 2014

blustery sunday

Sunday was a blustery day. Britt was up and off to work for 9. Luckily she has has been getting each day and when I checked in on her later in the am, she said she felt good. Sheldon however was still ailing spending most of the day in bed or on a couch!

My stomach still was queasy but was able to drink ice tea and eat some Miss Vicky's which gave me the cleaning motivation. As well it was time to update the blog for last 5 days as there was no time to even look at the computer.

The holiday season has been lots of fun. I was happy to have almost everyone from both sides of the family be able to spend it together. Only Sheldon's brother Darren and family did not come to join in the merriment.

It seems that Candace and the boys, Travis, Vance and Grama Pat also got the flu yesterday too. The season of giving for sure :)

Sadly we missed neighbor Gosling's skeet shoot party, flu and weather not so conducive but I was anticipating learning to shoot.

Here are some pieces I did for Kaylin for Christmas that I could not show when done
 a jumbo jewel chest and antique makeup chair in her favorite color
Shaina has a chair in production, the same one but it will be finished in black.

As I continued to clean and sort, I made turkey soup, YUMMY and rolled and baked Brittany's sugar cookie dough.. another yum. She made it home from work after 3 and went for a nap, gobbled up some soup, fed Stouts dog and enjoyed TV feeling much better finally.

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