Saturday, December 20, 2014

sugar scrub Saturday

Saturday morning was a sleep in for all, even the dogs. Sheldon made coffee to get us all going. A relaxing morning in the sunshine was enjoyed before a sausage brunch. Britt finally got a wee bit of nutrition in with a homemade vitamix blueberry sorbet. I finished a chair seat upholstery project too.

Dale & Vance headed off to hockey as Sheldon and I ran to town. I won a sugar scrub and facial awhile back so was treated to that while Sheldon went shopping. Gas was down to 87.9 and diesel finally lowering to 112.9
Once all scrubbed and shining we grabbed a hot tea and were on our way home to check on the patient. Sheldon helped me with installing chicken wire on the frame, it is always easier with 4  hands when it comes to that material.
 before and after
He took the dogs for a well needed walk while I finished the frame up and started to catch up the blog. Britt managed to have a soak in the tub. Great night for a steak supper (B had a wee bit chicken broth) Amber and Kyra stopped out to visit Britt for a bit which was nice to see her smile. Such sweet friends they brought her a case of Popsicles, tub of candy cane ice cream and a tabloid magazine. Then it was movie night. Britt joined us to watch Guardians of the Galaxy in the TV room. I  hand painted the black jewelry box then stayed up playing my games to give her the 1 am dose and then off to bed.

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