Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30th

Tuesday -21 upon waking, coffee in the making (which has not been had last few mornings) found poor Britt stricken with the flu! I quickly dosed her with gravol to prevent puking which would be horrible on those fresh scabs as well as a diarrhea stopper. This kid cannot afford to lose any more weight!
She was slated for her last massage of the year today too ;( seems like Sheldon wins as he had room left on his benefits to use it, lucky duck! I too was feeling crappy again..what the hell! This flu is the gift that keeps on giving! but not in a good way. It looks like our Flames Vs Oilers New Years Eve plans are called off as we don't want the Gosling household catching this ;(
Sheldon was off to town while I started yet more laundry. Maybe the new year will bring me a maid ;) Once back from town, with a tea ;-) we had a quiet afternoon. Hockey started late afternoon thru to evening while I caught up on Parenthood. Only 4 episodes remain in the series starting back up in the new year.
I managed to get some jello and soup into Britt at supper time, we had yummy tacos with a side of cold beer. Got to love gravol! Britt spent allot of the day puking, by supper she said she felt paralyzed the poor thing. Her face is looking like an anorexic ;(

Ok so it seems I do need a maid, I forgot to mention to Sheldon that fancy clothes like silks, linens and wool need special laundry and we girls keep out of hampers to ensure they get that. I just threw his hamper in the wash sans jeans as all are darks on cold and into the dryer as per usual. Well his 2 new wool sweaters might fit Asher.. or say short but wider like a midget! And as a kicker he only wore them each ONCE! Maybe I can find a short and wide homeless person needing a nice warm sweater or two. So it is back to wash and wear clothes for the Prince.

We did mange to change all the beds downstairs including the wee sickling while she was in a hot bath. Hope that helps her feel fresher after what is almost 2 weeks laid out in bed, she says she needs a chiro treatment she is so stiff from laying. 2015 is going to be looking much rosier as all this heals and passes!
just a few past pictures to share as nothing from today

On a plus note, at 10 pm as I post this it is -4!!!! Nice.... big swing from am to pm today

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