Sunday, December 14, 2014

snow filled w/e

Saturday morning, Lola called me at 8, it was RAINING when I let her out but by 8:30 it turned to sleet. It was too good to last for sure. The day continued to be very blustery and snowy at the ranch. Britt got safely to work for 10-3.
rain to snow in no time
I picked up furniture in Chestemere at a couple places before heading to a friends house warming. It was also a chance to drop off all the polocrosse wine draw tickets and hopefully one of our 40 tickets id the winner! The roads were terrible on the way there but by 6 on the way home they were much better.

 this was all in my trusty Enclave!

Dale and the kids arrived later in the evening coming thru crap weather from Oyen. We a nice visit before we all hit the sheets.

Sunday started with a round of coffee and cereal (and more jelly beans!!). Mya was thrilled to feed the dogs and spend the day with me "training the dogs". Britt was off to town for the day again. Dale ran to town to go shopping while the kids and I took the dogs for a walk and play on the ice meeting all the animals.

 Vance tried curling and it killed Diego not to run on the ice and get the stick, tooooo slippery he says

 showing his moves
When he got back, he and Vance were off to hockey in Okotoks while Mya and I hung out, ran to town to visit the Paetz's, run and errand and return to the ranch to play. When Britt got home from work she checked the horses and furminated Diego with Mya looking on.
 the "trainer" at work
 then she was out grooming horses
 then Britt arrived home

The hockey player and coach returned to join us for supper and eventually loaded up to head home. Britt finished homework while I updated the blog and watched more Parenthood and Reign.

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