Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Giving Tuesday

yay a bit warmer this day -9 to start with hitting a high of -4 today

I worked on putting vanity back together, hauling inside and staging a few pics then put on auction.

In honor of Giving Tuesday posted the red frame for a charity auction, stop by and bid, proceeds to Wheatland foodbank Stop by for this one too, it is a good cause helping local less fortunate.
I took the dogs for a walk in the glorious sunshine and -6 temperature, note to self, DO NOT wear down filled vest under coveralls at this temp! Nearing the end of the 1 1/2 mile jaunt I was so hot I took a break in the snow (after taking of hat and gloves) to wait for pokey Coco only to be covered in slimy kisses from the big guy! slime freezes at -6 lol The dogs sure love their walks!
these two tried to catch up near the end of the walk ;-)
Amazing but the new big nebulizer is still going over 24 hours later and when I checked the water it was only half gone, think this is thanks to a secret setting figured by John smarter than your average Bare!!
While putting dog food in a new tupperware bin I found new tea towels, from my wedding shower!! Those of you who know me well know I love my things to look new some even be new with tags still on. This I get from my Dad, he likes to season his clothes before wearing, me I just like to know I will always have something new to wear if I was ever in the need ;-) But yeah, I can use new tea towels! (back then they wrapped gifts in them so I had MANY!)

Today also happens to be a blog follower and my auntie Mindy's birthday, Happy cake day!!

I marketed the vanity and cooked up supper. Sheldon arrived home around 6:30 to enjoy a good HOME cooked meal, not that fancy steak and crab kind. He then promptly fell asleep on the couch. Once he woke up we watched a couple SOA. Britt was not home from work and working out till late but fit supper and dog time in before bed.

1 comment:

  1. Sage said they were sending a repair kit. I think I would like your big size instead as I like to run continuously. Will see what happens.
    Denise is following the auction on the purple make up table.
