Tuesday, December 16, 2014

prince returns

Tuesday was another town day. I stopped at the Foxy legging lady before going to my eye appointment. Seems my eyes are getting a tidge weaker, BOO! Looks like Sheldon and I can both get a 2 for 1 glasses sale. I grabbed some roses (still credit from Shaina's gift from Grama & Papa for wisdom teeth last Jan, the gift that keeps giving) before meeting Coreena at Sparrow legging gal. She is the one I am doing an online party thru.
I grabbed a burger for late lunch and filled with gas which is now 91.9, who would have thought it ever that price. Back at the ranch I started the custom jewelry box painting it vintage white and distressing. Once all dry it was clear and dark waxed too.
Sheldon arrived home around 7:30 after hitting Costco to stock up on a few things on his way from the airport. He will now be off for 3 weeks not returning until 2015!
Coco test driving a new dog bed

I had supper ready and as I cleaned up he ran a bale out to the starving ponies. We tried to start a movie but he was asleep in no time. Britt made it home after her last shift of work for the week. Britt tried on the leggings which fit perfect but had a defect, dang it!

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