Thursday, February 28, 2013

673 - "upside down"

Day 673 is the last day of February photo challenge and the theme is upside down. Of course the photo I posted a couple days back fits it perfect. Miss coco pre haircut cooling off
Today was also a big day for Sheldon, today he handed in his resignation. Twelve years after moving here he is ready to take on a new challenge. He loves to start up new plants and challenge his engineering skills so this is a great move for him yet again. This will turn his daily work world upside down too! :-)

I was lucky enough to have a massage at one today after working the morning. Here i too was upside down for a portion of it, hahahaha. Back at the ranch I finished up a few accounting bill payments and such before having a celebratory rum with Sheldon when he arrived home from work.

Britt stayed in after school to work. Sheldon picked her up at 8:30

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