Tuesday, February 12, 2013

657 - "where I ate lunch"

Day 657 was where you ate lunch but I read what you ate for lunch..HAHAHAHA After grabbing my usual Tuesday teas for the girls at work and today Britt who is under the weather, I dropped her at school and was off to work.

Travis and Asher walked sown at lunch to grab some seasoning spices our office had to share. It is always fun to see little man as he is starting to really chat more each time. I finished up at work and before heading home had a quick tan. After having veins done you cannot for 2 weeks and since I have so many minutes I thought an occasional tan to keep it up is in order.

Once home I made my lunch and snapped the picture, the wrong one of course but where I ate was the kitchen :-)
I set my goal to continue the farmhouse table this afternoon and that I did. I finished the hand stripping, then conditioned the wood then applied the first coat of stain. Mom emailed the table was most likely maple which was good since I am using the stain we did our cabinets. I want it darker but will see how the color goes.

my cool ipad gloves..oops seems the stripper made them weak

Britt had a hot shower and curled up in front of the TV after school only coming up to eat supper. Sheldon was kind enough to cook supper while I worked on the table till about 9.
 get ready
 now wait
after 2nd coat

I managed to get 2 coats of stain on and used the remaining stripper to take some of the top off the vanity. We think it might be quarter sawn oak but will be able to tell once I get it all cleaned off.

 bubbling up and scraping off
 what it looks like quickly and closeup but not true to color due to flash

Below, Sheldon scoops up cat dung from a favorite place NOT in the kitty litter box but rather under a shelving unit... grr cats and poop!!
Shaina messaged me this morning, here are her updates from last few days.
here is Monday

Herrow mama, We went to temples and all that yesterday it was pretty fun, loved the boat ride in their local boats good thing I got some decent pics before my camera crapped out.
Today we are heading to kanchanburi (I think) for five days. Four hour bus ride we were told not to get too crazy last night but of course none of the other girls listened :/ so it's an even longer bus ride having to pull over for them. Good thing I was a good girl :)
lucky I figured my camera out. If it happens again maybe canon will send me a new lens to aus I should still be in warranty.
It's so hot here I almost can't handle it, and for two weeks we are staying in sanganburi or somethin and we have to be covered in that town.. I only brought one pair of capris and pants plus I think I’ll faint. I might not listen to that rule..
So much to buy here and so cheap I will have to wait for the last week and fill up a backpack or something. Found a nice satchel for Britt . She'll love it - it's blue and gold with elephants :)
Is there anything you would like? Dad? I was thinking he'd like a shirt maybe? Large?
We were thinking that we will plane ride to Phuket at the end and then boat ride to koh phi phi it's a two hour boat ride. I'm not sure what I will do when Emily leaves tho I don't want to stay in Bangkok alone and there is no beach or anything there. I might stay in Phuket an extra night without her then fly back. What do u think?
Miss and love you guys, too bad we can't Skype. Maybe try face time if I ever find decent wifi.
 view from where she had breakfast I believe and below she captioned lunchtime? feeding fish lunch?
·         Tuesday 
      Today we climbed waterfalls.
Then went for supper.
Then everyone went out clubbing again but em and I came back to hotel . So ha! To Kaylin I am not a big drinker

Today is a Thai cooking class.. It is 10 pm MST here and she is just in cooking class as it is 12 noon Wed for her. I have requested her chef services once home :-)

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