Monday, February 4, 2013

651 - "hope" and goodbye penny

Day 651 photo theme is hope! I got to sleep in till just before 9 after making sure Britt got on the bus.. that was hopeful! I wanted to get the sunrise for my hope photo but missed it and even Britt text me out of the blue so it must have been a good one, darn it.

Today is the death of the Canadian penny, they say it costs more to make one than one cent so they are being taken out of circulation! Find a penny pick it up and all day you'll have good luck! Luck is going to be so much harder to find now ;-(
I showered and was off to the city by 11 heading to my 3rd blue acne laser treatment and glycolic peel. Now this gave me hope. The esthetician said I would love it and they become addictive. Once It was done I could not believe how radiant my skin was.

Hope it works
 does it not look dewy?
Tims called me in for a frosty ice cap on my way to Home Sense. Now this store can suck me in for hours and that it did today, two to be exact. But I found treasures and spent all of my Christmas money!! Kaylin wanted micro flannel sheets like mine so I made a quick stop at the neighboring Winners but could not find them but I did find even more treasures in there! I had to limit myself to half hour as I had set up a meeting with an antique dining set. It was lovely, made me feel reminiscent of my grandparents.

By now it was just before 4 so instead of stopping at Ikea, Costco and Michaels as I hoped I headed home in the sunshine pulling into the garage minutes before Sheldon got home. Britt was having an after school snack before I asked her to take the dogs for a walk since it was so nice. Of course Mr Jenkins had to go along as well and found a less slushy route balancing along the fence as he went. They are comical cats always following the girls out to the horses or on walks.

 some of my treasures.. yes there is a running color theme, forgot to put on the 2 blue candles too.
There were gifts too I cannot show :-) I forgot to take something out for supper but I created crab melts on homemade buns by Grama Pat (thanks Grama!!) with 2 salads on the side. I adapted the recipe a bit and they turned out yummy!

Crab Melts Ingredients

  • 1 bag crabmeat, drained, flaked
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 5 teaspoons minced celery
  • 1 tablespoon chopped onion
  • home made buns, split
  • about 1 cup shredded tex mex cheddar cheese
  • crushed chillies for Sheldons

After supper we watched The Help, I loved the book and the movie was just as good. Highly recommended. Good news from Shaina, she went back to Sydney today and got her visa, she will pick up Friday before boarding her plane to Thailand!!!
Terri used this photo for today's hope theme.. and it worked!!

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