Tuesday, February 5, 2013

652 - "something you smelled"

Day 652 theme is something you smelled, this could be interesting on a ranch but will be fun to see the posts.
this is untouched or filtered, and still does not capture the amazing colors of sunrise. This was what I hoped to snap yesterday for the hope theme.. hope of a new day
Heading to town, even shrouded in fog we could smell the feedlot! :-) (Photo by Britt on her Iphone as we whizzed by)

After dropping Britt at school I grabbed my Tuesday teas for work and threw in some gas. Crazy before we left and even when back gas was .96 but this weekend it jumped to 1.099!! After dropping teas at work I had my bi-annual or maybe a bit longer physical which did not take long at all and I was back at work.
 pictures Terri snapped yesterday when they were in Sydney

It has been quite some time but at lunch Coreena and I did Pilates which was good to work out the back. In the after noon I ran a few errands before going home. Britt was kind enough to catch and tack up Julio for me but not until close to 5. It was a brisk ride for sure but good for horses and riders. Sheldon scooped dog doo (things he smelled lol) while we rode. There is a ton, filling nearly 2 five gallon pails with lots more to go.
 Something D smelled and something I smelled

Has anyone heard of a Canadian TV show called Departures? I have read on a few blogs it it very good so going to find it.
more of my treasures shopping yesterday

Shake and bake chicken supper was enjoyed with apple crisp made by mom and Amanda. It was so scrumptious, thanks so much you two.
another snap Britt took of the fog going to school, good job B!

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